Salary Calculator Australia

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Results Yearly Monthly
Gross Pay $94,000 $7,833
Total Tax $22,897 $1,908
Take-Home $71,103 $5,925

Salary Calculator Results

In Australia, if your gross annual salary is $94,000, our salary calculator estimates that your take-home pay, or salary after tax, will be $5,925 per month, or $1,367 per week.

For ease of use, the calculator assumes that you are not married and have no dependents. That means you may pay less in taxes than estimated if any tax credits or other deductions apply.

Tax Breakdown 2024

For a gross annual income of $94,000, our tax calculator projects a tax liability of $1,908 per month, approximately 24% of your paycheck.

The table below breaks down the taxes and contributions levied on these employment earnings in Australia.

Yearly Monthly Weekly
Gross Income $94,000 $7,833 $1,808
Tax Due (24%) $22,897 $1,908 $440
Income Tax $21,017 $1,751 $404
Medicare Levy $1,880 $157 $36
Low Income Tax Offset $0 $0 $0
Net Income (76%) $71,103 $5,925 $1,367

What Is a Good Salary in Australia?

What counts as a "good" salary in Australia will depend on where you live and what kind of lifestyle you want to lead. The average annual salary in Australia is $94,000, while the median sits at $65,000 (midpoint of all recorded salaries, with half of working Australians earning more and half earning less).

Using our salary calculator, we can determine that the average Australian gross salary of $94,000 per year translates to a monthly take-home pay of $5,925. On the other hand, the median before-tax salary of $65,000 per year translates to a monthly net income of approximately $4,344.

If you work in a major city like Sydney or Melbourne, you'll probably need to earn more to enjoy the same quality of life that would be cheaper to maintain elsewhere. That's because Sydney is the most expensive city in Australia, with Melbourne and the capital city of Canberra not that far behind.

What Is the Average Salary in Australia?

The national average salary for Australia is $94,000 per year, but how much you're likely to earn will depend on a variety of other factors including where you work and what you do. To obtain a more reliable estimate, we can check the median gross salary in Australia, which is $65,000 a year, or $5,417 monthly.

Many Australians flock to the big cities in search of a large paycheck — and with good reason! Average earnings in Sydney and Melbourne are significantly higher than in many other parts of the country. The table below shows a breakdown of median salaries in each state and territory in Australia, as well as the amount of money a single person can expect to take home after taxes have been deducted.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Employee Earnings, August 2022
Province Before Tax After Tax
Australia (aggregate) $5,417 $4,345
Australian Capital Territory $6,578 $5,103
Northern Territory $6,067 $4,768
Western Australia $5,698 $4,527
New South Wales $5,417 $4,345
Victoria $5,417 $4,345
Queensland $5,248 $4,236
South Australia $4,875 $3,998
Tasmania $4,658 $3,859

What Is the Minimum Wage in Australia?

In Australia, all employees are entitled to earn at least the national minimum wage of $23.23 per hour. With a standard working week lasting 38 hours, the minimum wage is equal to a weekly salary of $882.80. That works out to monthly gross earnings of around $3,521 or a yearly salary of $45,905.

Once taxes and the Medicare Levy have been applied, a single person earning the Australian minimum wage can expect to take home $3,326 per month or $768 per week. That is still one of the highest national minimum wages in the world, according to official rankings!

Taxes Included in This Australian Salary Calculator

When working out the effect of taxes on your pay, our Australian Salary Calculator takes into account a variety of major taxes and other deductions.

These include income tax, which is charged at a progressive rate. This means that you'll pay a higher percentage of tax as your income increases. The calculator also accounts for the Medicare Levy which is charged at 2% of your income and is put towards maintaining Australia's public health system. Finally, the salary calculator applies any basic tax offsets (also known as rebates) that you may be entitled to, including the low income tax offset (LITO).

The calculator does not take into account any student loan repayments or tax credits you may receive in respect of your children, but the result will still be a helpful starting point to demonstrate how much of your salary you'll be taking home.

To learn more about taxes in Australia, check our comprehensive Breakdown of the Australian Income Taxes guide.

The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.