Salary Calculator Belgium

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Your Net Salary

Click Calculate to apply your changes Monthly payments per year: 12 Monthly payments per year: 12 Biweekly payments per year: 26 Working weeks per year: 52 Working days per week: 5 Working hours per week: 40.0
Gross Income €46,632 €3,886 €1,794 €897 €179.35 €22.42
Tax Due (32%) €15,104 €1,259 €581 €290 €58.09 €7.26
Income Tax €7,314 €609 €281 €141 €28.13 €3.52
Social Security €6,095 €508 €234 €117 €23.44 €2.93
Municipal Tax €1,695 €141 €65 €33 €6.52 €0.82
Net Income €31,528 €2,627 €1,213 €606 €121.26 €15.16

Your Last 5 Salaries

* This data is stored locally on your device
# Before Tax After Tax Tax

Salary Calculator Results

Tax Year: 2024 – 2025

If you live in Belgium and earn a gross annual salary (salaire brut) of €46,632, or €3,886 per month, your net income (salaire net) will be €2,627. This results in an effective tax rate of 32%, as estimated by our Belgian tax calculator (calculateur brut-net).

Click Calculate to apply your changes Monthly payments per year: 12 Monthly payments per year: 12 Biweekly payments per year: 26 Working weeks per year: 52 Working days per week: 5 Working hours per week: 40.0
Gross Income €3,886 €46,632 €1,794 €897 €179.35 €22.42
Tax Due €1,259 €15,104 €581 €290 €58.09 €7.26
Income Tax €609 €7,314 €281 €141 €28.13 €3.52
Social Security €508 €6,095 €234 €117 €23.44 €2.93
Municipal Tax €141 €1,695 €65 €33 €6.52 €0.82
Net Income €2,627 €31,528 €1,213 €606 €121.26 €15.16
Effective tax rate: 32% 32% tax due

Your Salary vs. Belgian Wages

The following chart outlines your earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in Belgium. These are annual, before-tax figures, calculated assuming full-time employment.

Your Salary
Average Salary Read More
Minimum Wage* Read More

Financial Facts About Belgium

The latest figures from the Belgian Statistical Office (Statbel) indicate that the average gross monthly salary in Belgium is €3,886, with the highest salaries reported in the Brussels Capital Region and the lowest paid in the Walloon Region. This means that the average Belgian worker earns a gross annual salary of €46,632, which corresponds to a net monthly pay of €2,627, as estimated by our tax calculator.

While Belgium does not have a minimum wage determined by law, it has a Guaranteed Average Monthly Minimum Income (RMMMG), which is set at €2,000.93 in 2024. This amount refers to the monthly gross pay of workers over 18 years old, and includes end-of-year bonuses or thirteenth month payments. In other words, the guaranteed minimum yearly wage is around €24,011 before taxes. Running the numbers through our Belgium salary tax calculator, this equates to a take-home pay of €1,618 per month.

Belgium has one of the highest levels of taxation in the world with the income tax brackets ranging from 25 to 50 percent. The country has capitalized on its central geographic location and developed an excellent transportation infrastructure with a highly developed transport network consisting of ports, canals, railways, and highways.

Belgium offers a rich cultural experience and its excellent public transport infrastructure makes it easy to travel around. The country has three official languages: French, Dutch, and German.

Taxes Included in This Belgium Salary Calculator

  • Income Tax (Impôt sur le Revenu, IPP) is a progressive tax, meaning that individuals with higher wages will be taxed more than individuals with lower wages. The basic personal allowance is currently €10,570, and is not subject to income tax. Employees are also entitled to a standard deduction that amounts to 30% of their taxable salary, with a maximum of €5,750 per taxpayer.
  • Social Security Contributions (Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale) is paid on top of earned income. The employer withholds employee's social security contributions at source and remits the total contributions to the social security authorities. The employer pays 35% and the employee pays another 13.07% of their salary.
  • Municipal Tax (Taxe Communale) is a tax levied by the commune or municipality, ranging from 0% to 9% of the income tax due. Non-residents pay a flat 7%, which is what our calculator accounts for.

The information presented here is based on the fiscal regulations in Belgium in 2024. Visit for more details.

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The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.