Cost of Living Vancouver

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Results Monthly Weekly
Net Income $5,022 $1,159
Expenses $3,348 $773
Savings $1,674 $386

Breakdown of Expenses

Last updated: Vancouver, Oct 2024

For a monthly net income of $5,022, our calculator estimates that the cost of living in Vancouver for a single individual is around $3,348 per month for accommodation and basic expenses.

* Cost of Living in Vancouver (excluding leisure activities, dining out, and childcare)
Yearly Monthly Weekly
Net Income $60,269 $5,022 $1,159
Expenses (67%) $40,175 $3,348 $773
Rent (1-bed) $31,836 $2,653 $612
Utilities $2,040 $170 $39
Groceries $5,040 $420 $97
Transport $1,259 $105 $24
Savings (33%) $20,094 $1,674 $386

Living in the city centre, as opposed to the suburbs, can significantly impact your budget. For a more personalised estimate, please check the More Options More Options to select your preferred location and accommodation type.

Accommodation Costs

Our calculator recommends renting a 1-bedroom apartment: $2,653

It is generally advised to keep accommodation costs to around a third of your monthly gross income (before tax), though in Vancouver this is likely unrealistic. The city has one of the world's most expensive rental markets, with prices 40% above the national average in Canada, higher than any other city in the country.

The table below outlines the average rental rates for apartments in the city of Vancouver compared to the surrounding suburbs (e.g. Surrey).

Source: April 2024 Report |
Apartment Type Rent (City Centre) Rent (Suburbs)
3-Bedroom $3,922 $3,179
2-Bedroom $3,541 $2,521
1-Bedroom $2,653 $2,056
Shared Apartment $1,326 $1,028

Price of Utilities in Vancouver

Average monthly utility bill for one person living in a 1-bedroom apartment: $170

In Canada, rental agreements typically cover utilities such as water and heating. However, it's important to verify the specifics before signing the lease.

As such, our calculator accounts for utilities that are commonly not included in the rent price: electricity, Internet, and a phone plan. It also factors in the suggested accommodation type for your budget and whether you are living alone or not.

Expense Average Monthly Cost
Electricity (1-bedroom apartment) 1 × $70
Internet 1 × $50
Phone Plan 1 × $50

Grocery Prices in Vancouver

Average monthly grocery bill for one person: $420

The average adult in Vancouver spends around $420 monthly on groceries. For couples living together, the cost rises to approximately $682 per month.

It's important to note that these figures can vary widely. The total amount you spend will depend on factors like how often you cook at home, the types of groceries you buy, and your spending habits on daily essentials like toiletries and household items.

Below, you'll find a list of some common grocery items along with the typical prices you can expect to see in Vancouver supermarkets.

Item Average Price
Loaf of Bread $3.99
12 Medium Eggs $4.49
1 L (1 qt) of Milk $3.49
1 kg (2.2 lb) of White Rice $3.20
1 kg (2.2 lb) of Local Cheese $14.30
1 kg (2.2 lb) of Whole Chicken $8.44
1 kg (2.2 lb) of Apples $4.40
750 ml (25.3 oz) Bottle of Mid-Range Wine $18.00
500 ml (16.9 oz) Can of Local Beer $2.70

Cost of Transportation

Monthly Vancouver public transport cost for one person: $105

Vancouver has an excellent public transit system, with a large network that includes buses, the iconic Vancouver SkyTrain, the West Coast Express, and the SeaBus ferry. It's no surprise that most residents do not own a car, as public transport is not only faster, but also much cheaper.

When projecting your monthly expenses, our Vancouver cost of living calculator factors in the monthly pass for Zone 1, which covers most of the city.

Source: Pricing and Fare Zones |
Ticket Type (Adult) Price
90 Minute Fare, Zone 1 (with/without Compass card) $2.55 / $3.15
Day Pass, All Zones $11.25
Monthly Pass, Zone 1 (Compass card) $104.90

Dining Out & Entertainment

Budget left after basic expenses: $1,674

Our calculator doesn't include dining out and leisure expenses when estimating the cost of living in Vancouver, since they vary widely from person to person. To give you an idea of what to expect, the table below outlines the average prices you'll see in the city.

Activity Average Price
Meal in a Mid-Range Restaurant (Excl. Drinks) $30$50
Big Mac Meal at McDonald's $14.69
Local Beer in a Pub $10
Cappuccino at Starbucks $5.75
Cinema Ticket $14
Monthly Gym Membership $50

The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.