Salary Calculator Netherlands

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# Before Tax After Tax Tax

Salary Calculator Results

Tax Year: 2025 – 2026

If you live in the Netherlands and earn a gross annual salary of €46,500, or €3,875 per month, your monthly net salary will be €3,084. This results in an effective tax rate of 20%, as estimated by our Dutch salary calculator.

Click Calculate to apply your changes Paid months per year: 12 Paid months per year: 12 Biweekly payments per year: 26 Paid weeks per year: 52 Paid days per week: 5 Paid hours per week: 40.0
Gross Income €3,875 €46,500 €1,788 €894 €178.85 €22.36
Tax Due (20%) €791 €9,493 €365 €183 €36.51 €4.56
Wage Tax €513 €6,161 €237 €118 €23.70 €2.96
Holiday Allowance €0 €0 €0 €0 €0.00 €0.00
National Insurance €886 €10,629 €409 €204 €40.88 €5.11
General Tax Credit -€160 -€1,921 -€74 -€37 -€7.39 -€0.92
Labor Tax Credit -€448 -€5,376 -€207 -€103 -€20.68 -€2.58
Net Income €3,084 €37,007 €1,423 €712 €142.33 €17.79
Effective tax rate: 20% 20% tax due

Your Take-Home Pay in Other Countries

The table below shows how your monthly take-home pay would vary across different eurozone countries based on the gross salary you entered.

Country Tax Net Pay Difference
Germany 35% €2,532 €2,532
Italy 34% €2,567 €2,567
Belgium 32% €2,622 €2,622
Spain 28% €2,791 €2,791
Luxembourg 24% €2,951 €2,951
Malta 23% €2,986 €2,986
Netherlands 20% €3,084 €3,084
Ireland 19% €3,153 €3,153
Show more countries

Your Salary vs. Dutch Wages

The following chart outlines your earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in the Netherlands.

Your Salary
 €46,500   €3,875   €1,788   €894   €179   €22.36 
Average Salary
 €46,500   €3,875   €1,788   €894   €179   €22.36 
Minimum Wage
 €29,245   €2,437   €1,125   €562   €112   €14.06 

Please note that the national figures assume full-time employment for the entire year, while your salary is calculated according to the settings you selected.

Average Salary in the Netherlands

According to the most recent figures from CBS (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), the average annual salary for employed and self-employed individuals in the Netherlands is €46,500 before taxes. This works out to a monthly take-home pay of €3,084, as determined by our calculator without accounting for the 30% ruling.

To get a better idea of what Dutch earners actually make, we can also look at the median salary, commonly referred to as "Jan Modaal" in the country. Unlike the average wage, which tends to be skewed by high earners, the median represents the middle value when all salaries are sorted from lowest to highest.

In 2024, the median gross salary in the Netherlands sits at €44,000 (€2,980 per month after tax), based on the latest macroeconomic report from CPB. If your salary is higher than this amount, then you are among the top 50% of all Dutch earners!

Dutch Minimum Wage

In 2025, the Dutch minimum wage for full-time employees over 21 years old is €14.06 per hour. Under full-time employment, a work week is usually 36–40 hours in the Netherlands. This translates to an annual gross salary of €29,245, which equates to €2,256 per month after tax.

Source: Government of the Netherlands, Minimum Wage 2025 (40-hour work week)
Age Group Hourly Pay Weekly Pay Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Aged 21+ €14.06 €562.40 €2,437 €29,245
Aged 20 €11.25 €450.00 €1,950 €23,400
Aged 19 €8.44 €337.60 €1,463 €17,555
Aged 18 €7.03 €281.20 €1,219 €14,622

What Is the 30 Percent Ruling?

The 30% ruling or tax facility in the Netherlands provides tax benefits for highly skilled foreign workers recruited or transferred to the country. The scheme allows tax-free reimbursement of up to 30% of the employee's gross salary for the first five years, provided that certain criteria are met.

To be eligible for the 30% ruling, after applying the reduction you must have a minimum taxable salary of €46,660 or €35,468 if you are under 30 years old and hold a master's degree. In addition, you must be employed by a company in the Netherlands, have a specific expertise not easily found on the Dutch labor market, having moved from more than 150 km away from the Dutch border, and agree in writing with your employer that the ruling applies to your situation.

Taxes and Credits Included in This Tax Calculator

  • Wage Tax (Loonbelasting): Is a progressive tax composed of three tax brackets — 9.32% for income below €38,441, then 37.48% for yearly earnings up to €76,817, and 49.50% for anything above that.
  • National Insurance (Volksverzekeringen): Includes mandatory contributions that go towards pensions, financial protection for dependents in case of death, long-term medical care, and optional contributions for the Dutch child benefit scheme.
  • General Tax Credit (Algemene Heffingskorting): Is a reduction on income tax applicable to everyone in the Netherlands and is aimed at easing the tax load for taxpayers in the lower- to middle-income brackets.
  • Labor Tax Credit (Arbeidskorting): Is a tax relief that applies to all employees in the Netherlands. The amount of credit an employee can receive varies with their wage — it rises for lower and middle incomes and drops gradually for annual salaries exceeding €43,071.

The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.