If you live in Australia and earn a gross annual salary of $100,017,
or $8,335 per month, your monthly take-home pay will be
This results in an effective tax rate of
23%, as estimated
by our Australian salary calculator.
Click Calculate to apply your changes
Paid months per year: 12
Paid months per year: 12
Biweekly payments per year: 26
Paid weeks per year: 52
Paid days per week: 5
Paid hours per week: 38.0
Gross Income
Tax Due (23%)
Income Tax
Medicare Levy
Low Income Tax Offset
Net Income
Your Salary vs. Australian Wages
The following chart outlines your earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in Australia.
Your Salary
Average Salary
Minimum Wage
Please note that the national figures assume full-time employment for the entire year, while your salary is calculated according to
the settings you selected.
Average Salary in Australia
In Australia, the national average salary is $100,017 per year, with a monthly
take-home pay of $6,435.
However, your actual earnings may vary depending on factors such as your profession and location.
To get a more reliable estimate, we can check the median gross salary in Australia, which is $67,600 per year,
or about $4,598 per month after tax.
Unlike the average, the median isn't skewed by extreme high or low salaries, giving a better sense of what most people earn.
Minimum Wage in Australia
In Australia, all employees are entitled to earn at least the national minimum wage of
$24.10 per hour.
With a standard working week lasting 38 hours, the minimum wage is equal to a weekly salary of
That works out to monthly gross earnings of around $3,969
or a yearly salary of $47,627.
Once taxes and the Medicare Levy have been applied, a single person earning the Australian minimum wage can expect to take home
$3,490 per month or $805 per week.
That is still one of the highest national minimum wages in the world, according to official rankings!
Taxes Included in This Australian Salary Calculator
Income Tax is paid on all forms of personal income, including wages, business profits, and returns made from investments.
Australia has a progressive tax system which means that you pay more tax as your income increases.
Medicare levy is charged at 2% of your taxable income, and contributes to the costs of Australia's public health
system (known as Medicare).
This charge is applied in addition to any income tax you pay, although you may be entitled to a reduction or discount depending on
your circumstances.
Income Tax Offsets can reduce the amount of tax you pay on your taxable income.
The most common rebate is the low income tax offset (LITO).
Tax offsets are worked out by the Australian Taxation Office after you lodge your tax return.
The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.