Salary Calculator Italy

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# Before Tax After Tax Tax

Salary Calculator Results

Tax Year: 2025 – 2026

If you live in Italy and earn a gross annual salary (stipendio lordo) of €29,440, or €2,453 per month, your monthly net income (stipendio netto) will be €1,621. This results in an effective tax rate of 34%, as estimated by our Italian tax calculator (calcolatore fiscale).

Click Calculate to apply your changes Paid months per year: 12 Paid months per year: 12 Biweekly payments per year: 26 Paid weeks per year: 52 Paid days per week: 5 Paid hours per week: 40.0
Gross Income €2,453 €29,440 €1,132 €566 €113.23 €14.15
Tax Due (34%) €832 €9,985 €384 €192 €38.41 €4.80
Income Tax €512 €6,149 €236 €118 €23.65 €2.96
Regional Tax €74 €890 €34 €17 €3.42 €0.43
Municipal Tax €20 €241 €9 €5 €0.93 €0.12
Social Security €225 €2,706 €104 €52 €10.41 €1.30
Net Income €1,621 €19,455 €748 €374 €74.83 €9.35
Effective tax rate: 34% 34% tax due

Your Take-Home Pay in Other Countries

The table below shows how your monthly take-home pay would vary across different eurozone countries based on the gross salary you entered.

Country Tax Net Pay Difference
Italy 34% €1,621 €1,621
Germany 29% €1,736 €1,736
Belgium 23% €1,899 €1,899
Spain 22% €1,906 €1,906
Malta 22% €1,920 €1,920
Luxembourg 14% €2,108 €2,108
Ireland 12% €2,159 €2,159
Netherlands 8% €2,266 €2,266

Your Salary vs. Italian Wages

The following chart outlines your earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in Italy.

Your Salary
 €29,440   €2,453   €1,132   €566   €113   €14.15 
Average Salary
 €29,440   €2,453   €1,132   €566   €113   €14.15 
Minimum Wage*
 €18,720   €1,560   €720   €360   €72   €9.00 

Please note that the national figures assume full-time employment for the entire year, while your salary is calculated according to the settings you selected.

Financial Facts About Italy

The average monthly gross salary in Italy is around €2,453 (source Eurostat), or €29,440 per year. For this figure, our calculator projects a salary of €1,621 per month after taxes. The Lombardy region boasts the highest average salary in the country, followed by South Tyrol (Bolzano), while the lowest wages are paid in the Calabria region of southern Italy.

Italy does not have a government-regulated minimum wage, as opposed to most other European countries. A minimum wage of €9 per hour has been proposed and rejected multiple times. This would have translated to an annual gross salary of €18,720 (€1,560 per month), if we consider the standard 40-hour work week. For a single individual with no dependents, this figure would have amounted to a monthly take-home pay of €1,031, as estimated by our salary calculator.

Although there is no national minimum wage, most workers in Italy are covered by collective labor agreements. These agreements ensure that fair wages are paid depending on the industry, with rates as low as €6.52 per hour in the cleaning services sector, to €7.48 per hour in the tourism sector.

Italy is the 9th largest economy and the 8th largest exporter in the world. The country's economy is divided into the highly-industrialized northern part, where 75% of the nation's wealth is produced, and the less-developed, more agriculture-depended southern part.

According to the Human Development Index, Italy has the world's 8th highest quality of life. The country is also known for its rich art, cuisine, history, fashion, and its beautiful surroundings. It is the fifth most visited country in international tourism arrivals, and it has more than 5 million foreign nationals, or about 8.2% of the country's population.

Taxes Included in This Italy Salary Calculator

  • Income Tax (Imposta sul Reddito) is a progressive income tax that ranges from 23% to 43%, which means the higher the income bracket, the higher the tax rate. The employer withholds the employee's income tax and transfers the payment to the tax authorities on a monthly basis.
  • Regional and Municipal Tax (Addizionale Regionale e Comunale) is an additional income tax levied at the regional and municipal levels. For simplicity, our calculator uses the maximum Regional Tax rate of 3.33% and the maximum Municipal Tax rate of 0.9%. Depending on where you live, your actual rates may vary slightly.
  • Social Security Contributions (Contributi Previdenziali) is a tax applied on the gross income, representing 9.19% of the employee's wage. The employee's contributions are deducted every month at source from the gross salary by the employer.

The information presented here is based on the fiscal regulations in Italy in 2025. Visit for more details.

The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.