If you live in Stockholm and earn a gross annual salary (Bruttolön) of
518,400 kr, or 43,200 kr per
month, your monthly net salary (Nettolön) will be 33,609 kr.
This results in an effective tax rate of
22%, as estimated
by our Swedish salary calculator (Lönekalkylator).
Click Calculate to apply your changes
Paid months per year: 12
Paid months per year: 12
Biweekly payments per year: 26
Paid weeks per year: 52
Paid days per week: 5
Paid hours per week: 40.0
Gross Income
43,200 kr
518,400 kr19,938 kr9,969 kr1,993.85 kr249.23 kr
Tax Due (22%)
9,591 kr
115,092 kr4,427 kr2,213 kr442.66 kr55.33 kr
Municipal Tax
9,295 kr
111,540 kr4,290 kr2,145 kr429.00 kr53.62 kr
Church Tax
296 kr
3,552 kr137 kr68 kr13.66 kr1.71 kr
State Tax
0 kr
0 kr0 kr0 kr0.00 kr0.00 kr
Net Income
33,609 kr
403,308 kr15,512 kr7,756 kr1,551.18 kr193.90 kr
Your Salary vs. Swedish Wages
The following chart outlines your earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in Sweden.
Please note that the national figures assume full-time employment for the entire year, while your salary is calculated according to
the settings you selected.
Average Salary in Sweden
According to the latest data from Statistics Sweden,
the national average salary is 43,200 kr per month
before taxes, resulting in an annual gross pay of 518,400 kr.
Our Swedish salary calculator estimates that an individual earning this income in Stockholm would have a monthly net pay of
33,609 kr.
This figure includes both part-time and full-time workers, and represents the basic salary along with additional compensation such
as on-call hours.
It's worth noting, however, that averages can be skewed by outliers.
For a more representative understanding of what the typical Swedish worker earns, the median salary may be more useful.
The most recent figures from SCB indicate that the median wage in Sweden is 36,700 kr per month, or 440,400 kr per year.
This income corresponds to an after-tax salary of around 28,988 kr per month in Stockholm.
Minimum Wage in Sweden
Unlike most EU countries, Sweden does not have a minimum wage law.
Nonetheless, for non-EU nationals to qualify for a Swedish work permit, they must receive a formal job offer that fulfills specific criteria.
These include a minimum salary of 17,800 kr per month before taxes, which translates
to a monthly take-home pay of around 14,981 kr.
Generally, actual minimum monthly wages exceed the minimum necessary for obtaining a Swedish work permit, thereby ensuring a
reasonable living standard.
Fair wage levels are established through collective agreements that take into account factors such as industry, role, and years of
Trade unions, which negotiate on behalf of the workforce, contribute to the effectiveness of this system in Sweden.
How Is Salary Calculated and Tax Paid in Sweden?
If you are employed in Sweden, you generally do not need to worry about taxes on your gross salary, since your earnings
are taxed at source.
Your employer deducts all taxes and contributions from your paycheck and remits them to the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) each month.
While your Swedish salary is taxed at source, it's still necessary to file an annual tax return by May 2nd for the preceding year.
The Tax Agency aims to make this process as easy as possible, offering no fewer than
five different ways to file!
You can submit your return through their "Inkomstdeklaration 1" e-service, the "Skatteverket" mobile app, or by post, phone, or even
text message.
By the time you file, most of your income details will have already been reported to the Swedish Tax Agency by your employer, bank,
or Social Insurance Agency.
This means your tax return will arrive pre-filled.
You'll only need to declare any additional income or capital gains, and then approve the tax form.
Taxes and Credits Included in This Tax Calculator
Basic tax-free allowance (Grundavdrag): An annual amount exempt from income tax.
The specific figure is revised each year and ranges from 17,300 kr to 45,300 kr per year, depending on your income bracket.
Municipal income tax (Kommunalskatt): The primary tax paid by Swedish taxpayers, with an average rate varying
from 29.238% in Österåker to 35.408% in Dorotea.
The municipal income tax encompasses contributions to the municipal council, county council, and the general pension fund.
Burial tax (Begravningsavgift): A tax levied at the municipal level to cover the costs of local funeral services.
Unlike the optional Church tax, the Swedish burial tax is mandatory for all taxpayers, regardless of their religious affiliation.
Church tax (Kyrkoavgift): A tax for members of registered religious communities, with rates varying by
municipality and parish.
It is not mandatory to be affiliated with a Swedish Church.
State income tax (Statlig inkomstskatt): An additional tax charged at a fixed rate of 20% on annual incomes
exceeding 625,800 kr, after deducting the basic allowance.
The state income tax effectively raises the marginal tax rate to nearly 56%.
The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.