Salary Calculator Luxembourg

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# Before Tax After Tax Tax

Salary Calculator Results

Tax Year: 2025 – 2026

If you live in Luxembourg and earn a gross annual salary of €75,919, or €6,327 per month, your monthly net salary will be €4,324. This results in an effective tax rate of 32%, as estimated by our Luxembourg salary calculator.

Click Calculate to apply your changes Paid months per year: 12 Paid months per year: 12 Biweekly payments per year: 26 Paid weeks per year: 52 Paid days per week: 5 Paid hours per week: 40.0
Gross Income €6,327 €75,919 €2,920 €1,460 €292.00 €36.50
Tax Due (32%) €2,003 €24,032 €924 €462 €92.43 €11.55
Income Tax €1,144 €13,730 €528 €264 €52.81 €6.60
Employment Fund €80 €961 €37 €18 €3.70 €0.46
Pension €506 €6,074 €234 €117 €23.36 €2.92
Health Insurance €193 €2,316 €89 €45 €8.91 €1.11
Long-Term Care €79 €952 €37 €18 €3.66 €0.46
Min Wage Tax Credit €0 €0 €0 €0 €0.00 €0.00
Net Income €4,324 €51,887 €1,996 €998 €199.57 €24.95
Effective tax rate: 32% 32% tax due

Your Take-Home Pay in Other Countries

The table below shows what take-home pay you can expect across different eurozone countries for the same gross salary you entered: €75,919 per year.

Country Tax Difference
Italy 42% €43,741 €3,645 €1,682 €841 €168.23 €21.03 €43,741 €3,645 €1,682 €841 €168.23 €21.03
-€8,146 -€679 -€314 -€157 -€31.34 -€3.92
-€8,146 -€679 -€314 -€157 -€31.34 -€3.92
Belgium 42% €44,323 €3,694 €1,705 €852 €170.47 €21.31 €44,323 €3,694 €1,705 €852 €170.47 €21.31
-€7,564 -€630 -€291 -€146 -€29.10 -€3.64
-€7,564 -€630 -€291 -€146 -€29.10 -€3.64
Germany 39% €45,972 €3,831 €1,768 €884 €176.82 €22.10 €45,972 €3,831 €1,768 €884 €176.82 €22.10
-€5,915 -€493 -€228 -€114 -€22.75 -€2.85
-€5,915 -€493 -€228 -€114 -€22.75 -€2.85
Spain 33% €50,816 €4,235 €1,954 €977 €195.45 €24.43 €50,816 €4,235 €1,954 €977 €195.45 €24.43
-€1,071 -€89 -€42 -€21 -€4.12 -€0.52
-€1,071 -€89 -€42 -€21 -€4.12 -€0.52
Netherlands 32% €51,620 €4,302 €1,985 €993 €198.54 €24.82 €51,620 €4,302 €1,985 €993 €198.54 €24.82
-€267 -€22 -€11 -€5 -€1.03 -€0.13
-€267 -€22 -€11 -€5 -€1.03 -€0.13
Luxembourg 32% €51,887 €4,324 €1,996 €998 €199.57 €24.95 €51,887 €4,324 €1,996 €998 €199.57 €24.95
Ireland 30% €53,103 €4,425 €2,042 €1,021 €204.24 €25.53 €53,103 €4,425 €2,042 €1,021 €204.24 €25.53
€1,216 €101 €46 €23 €4.67 €0.58
€1,216 €101 €46 €23 €4.67 €0.58
Malta 26% €56,250 €4,688 €2,163 €1,082 €216.35 €27.04 €56,250 €4,688 €2,163 €1,082 €216.35 €27.04
€4,363 €364 €167 €84 €16.78 €2.09
€4,363 €364 €167 €84 €16.78 €2.09

Your Salary vs. Luxembourg Wages

The following chart outlines your before-tax earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in Luxembourg.

Your Salary
 ​€75,919   ​€6,327   ​€2,920   ​€1,460   ​€292   ​€36.50 
Average Salary
 ​€75,919   ​€6,327   ​€2,920   ​€1,460   ​€292   ​€36.50 
Minimum Wage
 ​€31,653   ​€2,638   ​€1,217   ​€609   ​€122   ​€15.22 

Please note that the national figures assume full-time employment for the entire year, while your salary is calculated based on the settings you selected.

Average Salary in Luxembourg

The average gross salary in Luxembourg is €6,327 per month, or €75,919 per year, according to the latest data from the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (STATEC). If we run this through our salary calculator, we get an estimated after-tax salary of €4,324 per month.

This figure makes Luxembourg the EU member state with the highest average wage. However, it is important to note that the mean tends to be skewed by high earners, since it is calculated as the sum of all salaries divided by the number of individuals. Thus, the salary of the average worker in the Grand Duchy is likely lower.

Luxembourg has the highest average salary in the European Union!

Minimum Wage in Luxembourg

The minimum wage in Luxembourg is €2,638 per month (€31,653 yearly) for unskilled workers, and €3,165 per month (€37,984 per year) for skilled workers. These figures refer to full-time employees (40-hour work week) over 18 years old, for which our tax calculator estimates corresponding monthly net salaries of €2,243, and €2,614, respectively.

The minimum wage, also called the minimum social salary, plays an important role in how Luxembourg taxes are calculated, since it determines the values of certain social contributions and tax credits. The table below lists the minimum wages for the different age groups and qualifications, broken down into the corresponding hourly, monthly, and yearly amounts.

Source:, Social Minimum Wage 2025 (40-hour work week)
Group Hourly Wage Monthly Salary Annual Salary
Age 18+ (skilled workers) €18.26 €3,165 €37,984
Age 18+ (unskilled workers) €15.22 €2,638 €31,653
Age 17 – 18 €12.17 €2,110 €25,323
Age 15 – 17 €11.41 €1,978 €23,740

Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in the European Union!

How Is Salary Calculated and Paid in Luxembourg?

The salaries of employed taxpayers are generally taxed at source in Luxembourg. This means that income tax and social security contributions are deducted monthly from the gross salary directly by employers. The calculation of income tax depends on the individual's family status, therefore it is important to announce any change in your personal situation as soon possible.

If you are self-employed, then you need to file a tax return with the Luxembourg Inland Revenue, who may even require you to make quarterly advance payments on your income tax. You will also be required to pay both the employee's part and the employer's part of your social security contributions.

Taxes Included in This Salary Calculator

  • Income Tax: Is a progressive tax with 23 brackets, ranging from 0% to 42%.
  • Employment Fund Contributions: Are a surcharge that increases the income tax by 7% for earnings not exceeding €150,000, and by 9% for income above that threshold.
  • Social Security Contributions: These are payments to Luxembourg's social security system, shared by both employees and employers, covering: pension contributions, compulsory health insurance, and long-term care insurance.
  • Social Minimum Wage Tax Credit (CISSM): Is a tax credit that lowers the tax burden on employees with annual gross salaries between €21,600 and €43,200.

The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.