Salary Calculator Norway

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Your Net Salary

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paid months per year: 12 paid months per year: 12 payments per year: 26 paid weeks per year: 52 paid days per week: 5 paid hours per week: 37.5
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Your Last 5 Salaries

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# Before Tax After Tax Tax

Calculator Results

Tax Year: 2025 – 2026

If you live in Norway and earn a gross annual salary (Bruttolønn) of 676,320 kr, or 56,360 kr per month, your monthly net salary (Nettolønn) will be 41,938 kr This results in an effective tax rate of 26%, as estimated by our tax calculator for Norway (Skattekalkulator).

Click Calculate to apply your changes Paid months per year: 12 Paid months per year: 12 Biweekly payments per year: 26 Paid weeks per year: 52 Paid days per week: 5 Paid hours per week: 37.5
Gross Income 56,360 kr 676,320 kr 26,012 kr 13,006 kr 2,601.23 kr 346.83 kr
Tax Due (26%) 14,422 kr 173,064 kr 6,656 kr 3,328 kr 665.63 kr 88.75 kr
Municipal Tax 5,055 kr 60,661 kr 2,333 kr 1,167 kr 233.31 kr 31.11 kr
County Tax 1,051 kr 12,608 kr 485 kr 242 kr 48.49 kr 6.47 kr
Joint Tax 2,617 kr 31,401 kr 1,208 kr 604 kr 120.77 kr 16.10 kr
Step Tax 1,360 kr 16,318 kr 628 kr 314 kr 62.76 kr 8.37 kr
Social Security 4,340 kr 52,077 kr 2,003 kr 1,001 kr 200.29 kr 26.71 kr
Net Income 41,938 kr 503,256 kr 19,356 kr 9,678 kr 1,935.60 kr 258.08 kr
Effective tax rate: 26% 26% tax due

Your Salary vs. Norwegian Wages

The following chart outlines your earnings relative to the national average salary and minimum wage in Norway.

Your Salary
 676,320 kr   56,360 kr   26,012 kr   13,006 kr   2,601 kr   346.83 kr 
Average Salary
 676,320 kr   56,360 kr   26,012 kr   13,006 kr   2,601 kr   346.83 kr 
Minimum Wage*
 382,200 kr   31,850 kr   14,700 kr   7,350 kr   1,470 kr   196.00 kr 

Please note that the national figures assume full-time employment for the entire year, while your salary is calculated according to the settings you selected.

Average Salary in Norway

The Norwegian average salary is 56,360 kr per month before tax, according to the latest data from Statistics Norway (SSB), the official source for labor and wage statistics in the country. This translates to an annual gross income of 676,320 kr, for which our calculator estimates a monthly net salary of 41,938 kr.

Minimum Wage in Norway

Norway does not have a universal minimum wage set by the state. However, there are sector-specific minimum wages established through collective agreements and regulations. These agreements ensure that wages do not fall below a certain level, typically no less than 196.00 kr per hour.

Assuming a standard 37.5-hour work week, this translates to a minimum monthly gross salary of approximately 31,850 kr or 25,688 kr after tax.

How Is Salary Calculated and Paid in Norway?

In Norway, salaries are usually paid on a monthly basis, with deductions made for taxes and social security contributions. Employees receive a payslip that details their gross salary, the deductions made, and the net amount received.

Employers are responsible for withholding the necessary taxes and contributions from employees' salaries. These deductions are then paid to the relevant government authorities.

Taxes Included in This Salary Calculator

  • Municipal Tax (Kommuneskatt): This is a local tax levied by the municipality where you live, with rates varying slightly depending on the specific municipality.
  • County Tax (Fylkesskatt): Similar to the municipal tax, the county tax is a regional tax collected by the county where you reside.
  • Joint Tax (Fellesskatt): This is a national tax that applies uniformly across the country and contributes to the funding of state services.
  • Step Tax (Trinnskatt): A progressive tax applied to gross income exceeding certain thresholds. The rate increases as your income rises, ensuring that higher earners pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes.
  • Social Security Contributions (Trygdeavgift): Mandatory contributions that fund the Norwegian social security system, covering pensions, healthcare and unemployment benefits.

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The information provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only.
Please consult a qualified specialist such as an accountant or tax advisor for any major financial decisions.